Monday, April 28, 2008

It's Been A While

As you can see by the amount of time since my last blog I am a very lousy blogger !!! I would like to say I will try to do better but it probably would not be the truth. To many other comings and goings I guess.

A couple of funny things at work. From the mouths of babes ! These are probably you had to be there's but they were quite funny at the time. We were serving the Kindergarten lunch & my co-worker and I were watching a child in the line when a little girl stopped in front of my co-worker for her cookie. She waited a second, we were still watching the little boy in line. I guess she just wasn't getting it fast enough so she began to wave her hand and said to Kris "Helllllo are you hypmatized". Now what does a 5 year old know about being hypnotized. Any way we got a good laugh.

My boss had a touch of laryngitis from allergy's and one of the little girls asked her what was wrong. She told her she had no voice from allergy's and the little girl replied well at least you still look normal. Kids !! you got to love them.

February was a a difficult month with the passing of Russ's Grandfather, he was named after his grandpa and close with him. It was also his only remaining Grandparent, the end of and era. On a positive note it was wonderful having most of his brothers and sisters here for the funeral it was great to have time together.

March was busy with the usual things hauling kids where they need to go working and being a mom.

April has found Russ just finishing up with outage (where they completely shut down the plant for a month for maintenance and repairs. They are required to work 6 and sometimes 7 days a week.) and school finals. Light at the end of the tunnel !! 3 more classes to Graduation !!!McKendrie just finished her basketball season ( second place ) and were just tyring to get Briley past the 5th grade. Now its on to swim team and softball. Now May is almost here, and school is almost out, the year has gone incredibly fast.

Guess I better go finish dinner. Can anyone out there help explain to me how to get a picture on this blog everything I have tried just isn't working
