And a super great time was had by all !! But unfortunately its back to reality and home again.

Saturday we had an early entry pass so we went and caught some of the smaller rides that are not worth standing in line for an hour for, but are still fun to see. We spent some time in toon town where every one kind of spread out and I found myself alone. I decided to go see Mickey's house and on the way out 2 Disney workers were standing there handing out dream passes which is a fast pass to all the major rides in both parks on a cute souvenir lanyard. The park was very busy so it made it nice because with my dream pass and getting fast passes we had enough for the kids to ride twice with not much waiting. We caught the Disney Christmas Fantasy Parade that evening. It was fabulous!! By the end of the day I can honestly say we were all very exhausted. I think we were all glad that the next day was Sunday and we could sleep in !! In fact Briley asked her dad that morning " are we going to Disneyland today?" he told her no and her reaction was ''Yeah !!! "

Sunday we slept in and then spent the afternoon at Huntington Beach. The kids had never seen the ocean. They had a lot of fun playing in it. That evening we headed back for Vegas. What a nightmare !! between accidents and construction the 4 hour drive turned into a 7 hour marathon but we finally made it.

We arrived home Monday night about 11:00. We were blessed to be able to go and to have such a great time and make lasting memories as a family. We wish everyone a Happy New Year !!
Christmas day we got up and saw what Santa brought and then we were off to California Adventure where we spent most of the day. The day was kind of rainy, so again not a lot of people. We loved Soarin Over California, Tower of Terror, and California Screamin, that's one of the best roller coasters I have ever been on. Towards the evening it really started to rain hard and got quite cold so we went back to the Hotel had Christmas dinner and played games and cards until bed time.