Once again My Blog has been seriously neglected! I really need be better!

After the dam tour and taking some dam pictures (ha ha) Cody had arranged for some 1 and 2 man Kayaks, so Russ and the kids hit the River. I gladly volunteered to take pictures and be the shuttle driver, (Ok, really I was chicken to go in the Kayaks.)

Saturday was the big river run in the rafts. It was one big water fight with five 8 man rafts and several other rafts that ambushed us going down!! I don't think I have ever been so wet in my life! Unfortunately no pictures , I couldn't figure a way to keep my camera dry.
McKendrie's friend Cody is working in Flaming Gorge this summer along with his Grandparents who are camp hosts there. Their family was getting together for a river rafting trip and he invited McKendrie to come. Now 16 year old girl and 17 year old boy for 5 days, well you get the picture! so like it or not Mom, Dad and sister tagged along and made this a 5 day family camping trip. We had a wonderful time and Cody's family were very gracious hosts!
We left Wed. morning and arrived that evening in time to get trailer set up in camp and fix some dinner.
Our camp mascot that showed up every day!
Thursday Russ, the kids and I went on a tour of Flaming Gorge Dam.
After the dam tour and taking some dam pictures (ha ha) Cody had arranged for some 1 and 2 man Kayaks, so Russ and the kids hit the River. I gladly volunteered to take pictures and be the shuttle driver, (Ok, really I was chicken to go in the Kayaks.)
Friday we spent most of the day swimming & cliff jumping at the reservoir. I was pleasantly surprised Briley who is afraid of heights got in on the action, she had a blast! I proved even fat old ladies can still jump off cliffs! I will spare you the picture of me to prove it. (SCARY!)
Saturday was the big river run in the rafts. It was one big water fight with five 8 man rafts and several other rafts that ambushed us going down!! I don't think I have ever been so wet in my life! Unfortunately no pictures , I couldn't figure a way to keep my camera dry.
Little Hole where we ended the river run.
We had a great time! We appreciate Cody's family's hospitality and letting us tag along.
Camping is a fun way to get family and friends together to enjoy the outdoors. Follow these tips and use the packing checklist to help ensure your camping trip is safe and healthy.
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